FREE: Working Washer & Dryers

I have my old washer and dryer sitting in the back of my house that are no longer going to be used… was going to keep them to have two sets but I don’t want to waste space on having 4 machines in the basement.

They are older, the washer’s load size knob is broken off but still works… i just leave it on large since i clearly could give less of a fuck about the environment. The dryer has an auxilary timer wired in because the internal timer stopped working, works perfectly fine though.

So yea, they are kinda ghetto, but wtfever its free. Pick them up and they are yours.



2nd dibs if Jam ends up passing

sorry shoulda pm’d me didn’t see the reply.

jam come grab 'em they are yours, i sent you a pm with my cell and address

anyone grab these yet ? my dryer broke. let me know if you still have them. Thanks!

its been 45 minutes…

GREAT JOB! you can count!

jam you need to answer muh pm’s soon or you’re going to lossseeeee

lol keep me updated. i want.


Well my sister picked some up, so Hairymonkey you’re 2nd in line now.

thanks, im waiting on chino!

thanks again jim! my mom really appreciates it. like i said if you ever need help with anything ill be in the area :tup: