French, who talks it? Need translate.

you better post pics of this one…

dude, the last sentance translates to

“im really a man, post op”

sorry to burst your bubble



she is kinda manish. LOL. shes not a love interest, just a friend.

newman <3 myspace.

OMG I would do nasty things to her.


Will you eat with me at a veg meal at the restaurant “Mondo-Fries”? You can pay for me and visit me also. haha I will be pleased when I return to N.F. We may go watch a movie

WTF have you gotten yourself into. :lol: need a translator to come along?

this girl is tons of fun, and a good dancer.

but carnut’s sister is the best dancer ever. <3

how are you remembering everythign she is saying, or is this AIM chat ;x

email and myspace

oh wow, she’s something special.
I’d go out with her if she paid for my vegetarian dinner and told me I was pretty.

:c P

haha @ myspace and picking up girls online.

i hardly picked her up online, she goes to 80’s night, but we converse via email and MS.
goddamnit, this is newman

who cares…fuck the french!

be nice.


Im orry but all the french iv ever met were total as holes…and i hate thier supiriority complex…imean cmon man…they got their asses kicked by the Mexicans!

Aren’t the french about due for a German take over?


^ Hells yeah man.

The french aren’t as bad as they’re made out to be. see other countries, they hate our ignorant retard-led government but they don’t hate us specifically. We, on the other hand, hate every citizen of a country for their government’s policies.

not to mention the fact that because their guys are…on the feminine side, every american guy is instantly super attractive. I find this out on a yearly basis in Cancun, the American girls are way full of themselves but Europeans are a lot…friendlier. In fact, I met this girl in '03 on spring break who’s a model in paris, now here i’m nothing special but her parents flew me out for 2 weeks to see the country and hook up with their daughter

Fuck the french…check.