FS: 10 Deep Chain Gang Hoodie (Grey) (L)

I have underwear that cost as much as that shirt, and shirts that cost as much as your car. siaqqqqq

Penny pics of 8000 dollar shirt or get the fuck out of my thread.

What ever happened to nice clothes?


Whatever happened to keeping your mouth shut? Sorry K-mart went out of business, but keep your bullshit to yourself as I don’t come in your FS threads and make dumbass comments.


I would hope so. I don’t see any grey ones on eBay and I watch for these all the time. All the tags are there in the right places and shit. If you are really interested, I’m guessing you’re local, and you’re more then welcome to check it out. If I ship it and I’m mistaken, a refund is never a big deal, I’m not out to fuck anyone over and I’m not a broke ass. coughCuban_Crisiscough

sorry, bad cold. ;o

Most of your comments look pretty dumbass. Just sayin.
And I love my fake wrangler jeans, they so flyyyyyyy

I don’t care if my comments look intelligent or stupid, get the fuck out of my FS thread unless you want to make an offer.

ten deep’s site only has XXXL left on it. everything else was bought out and will get hawked on ebay for way more than retail. bump for a good deal.

then put it somewhere else because no one is biting in tuffalo?

that sounds likea good idea .

an idea i already thought of :wink:

i was just hoping to move it locally. even though i ship shit all the time, i’m still partial to my local sales.

i’d buy it if i was a large… too bad it aint YL :stuck_out_tongue:

well nobody else was offering. it went for 90 on ebay. i wasnt that far off.

are you one of those guys who bids on ebay without looking at shipping :stuck_out_tongue:

shipping on that was 31 dollars…90+31=121 shipped…plus that was buy it now. if he let it bid, i bet it would have done a lot better.

just sayin. thanks for the offer, but 65 dollars is going to be me taking a loss, and i’m not tryin to do that.

you and I both, lol

negative on the AF1s brizooo, GLWS , i havent seen to much 10deep i wanna check out more of their stuff

ok cool cuz I just bought these literally 2 hours ago


would have been pissed if you were like “yeah dude, got em for ya” hahaha

lol ok good

edit: but then i woulda lied and said “o wait he never had them” u know, to make u feel better bout it all lol

haha, it’s all good dude.

who those are nasty and are you 6 years old, or trying to make a statement, anyhow good luck with sale on a pimp looking hoodie

no I’m 7 years old, hence the youth L comment above :slight_smile:

last week was my birthday so my mommy got me some nikes. :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks though, glad you at least appreciate the hoodie.