Bought this car of my girlfriends sister it had a stripped spark plug socket…rethreaded the hole and fixed that problem. Car runs good cept it does burn a little oil…the body is in decent shape although rust overtook the rear wheel wells…it has almost 175,000 miles on it…has new alternator…new battery…new waterpump, and new tires with about 90% plus thread on them…anyone who wants to come chekc it out can set up a time with me…call (716)380 2447 and if i dont awnser leave a message and ill get back to you…
looking for $400
looking for 300$ now…i need money badly…by the way it has p/l p/w a cd player…and interiors okay…has new spark plugs…forgot to mention passanger door has to be opened form inside<no door handle>
do you still have it im lookin for a new dd/beater
yes i do…ill give it to you for 250…idk how ud get it to your lcoation mabye temp plates…???..but yea for 250 you can come and ill han dyou title and u can drive away…lemme know if u want some pics

theres some pics
yea where abouts are you located im lookin for a cheap car to drive around so i can get rid of my truck and not drive my camaro so much and for 250 thats a hell of a deal
i live in west seneca…im avalable mostly everyday after 4 if youd like to stop by and see the car…PM me with what youd like to do…
hey i was wondering if i could look at the car sometime today i tryed to call the number you listed and it said it could not be reached if you could call me 983-7470 so i could take a look at it tonight or saturday thanks