FS: 1999 Honda Prelude SH

Long story short my friend Brian is getting antsy and wants to ditch his Prelude project.

I won’t get into mods just yet, but I can promise you it will come with a 30R under the bonnet as well as a fully built Synapse exhaust and a built engine from Hunts machining. It also has Enkei wheels and a clean body.

First 8700 takes her away. :’(

Here we go agian :facepalm :lol

Again? Really?

waittttt, how many horsepowers does this vehicle have?

You kind of have to get more detailed with pics in order for this to stay…

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this thread sucks

is there any videos of him doing pussy burnouts in his garage?

how about you go buy your own supermoto bike and then you can do all the burnouts you want with it

sounds like a sausage fest nd a half