FS: 2 racing seats $150

As you can clearly read above justkarter politely pointed your thread in a better direction and offered insight on pricing based his personal experiences. You on the other hand bashed him as well as another kid who offered a fair price for your notoriously unsafe seats. I think you need to tone it down and realize that forums are like this, instead of trying to be a e-thug.

That being said, you could very easily be a nice guy and an honest seller. GLWS on your stuff. Mods…feel free to delete my posts or ban me if you see fit.

yes a reasonable offer i would not refuse but just to low ball and not be serious about buying them that is what kills me i am very fair in what ever i sell…

ebay’d racing seats and came up with this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2-RACING-SEATS-RECLINABLE-HONDA-ACURA-TOYOTA-MAZDA-DODG_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33701QQihZ015QQitemZ250328347139QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW

i’m certainly not defending the seats for sale here or the price, but in the link you provided, did you miss the $205 shipping charge? that means the seats no longer cost $50 each. the new total is $250 for the pair.

i am not saying these seats are good or worth the asking price, which i think they are not, but your example is poor at best.

wahh… id rather buy new shitty seats then have some used ones that one could have possibly farted, masturbated or even shitted on.

that probably happen i’m sure farting i mean.hey sometimes you got gas…

why would any one rip out perfect CRASH TESTED factory seats and put these piles in?

I wonderif APC ever crash tested their seats

probably not cause they are dead

seems like a sweet deal for a custom computer chair…

or maybe 2 chairs

this thread sucks

so… sorry for the long time to respond , i was smoking rocks

my offer still stands

i only want these for my off roading vehicle, i would never actually trust these on the street (hence the low offer)