FS: 2 Sabres vs Montreal tickets Fri

Sec 308 row 5 - 2 together - shoot twice side yadda yadda

im planning on going, but if the offer is right i may reconsider

face = $98/ticket

i would need to get $150 for the pair not to go…

whats the date??

fri feb 6th

(I iz a moran)

^you’re not good at math 98 + 98 > 150


ohhhhh, i thought he meant the face value of BOTH. LOL my apologies / mea culpa for not reading more closely.

Hmm, bit rich for my blood right now, sorry. Good luck w/ sale and sorry for my misunderstanding!

MIGHT be willing to budge a little. let me know.

go HABS :wink:

I went to a game in Montreal this year… Great matchup.

yeh, this should be a good game. both teams are very well matched. and we normally play montreal well. it is actually a big game in the grand scheme of things too. we are only a couple points out of moving up 2 or 3 spots in the standings. everyone is so bunched up. let the playoff race begin!

bump for the night

last chance at $125/pair
