FS: 2003 Subaru Impreza WRX PRICE LOWERED $7900

Hey guys… I think I’m going to keep it for a little bit. Plus, I really think this car is awesome so I’m probaly going to register it for myself and drive it for a while. Sorry to waste anyones time.

if u wanna sell it in few months or something lemme no for sure

You guys were right, it is lowered. It has a Tokico setup


I added a few things to the listing. If I can sell this car before friday I will let it go, if not I’m keeping it. Anyone interested?

Trade me my CRX and some Cash?

Dont people ever read the entire for sale listing? Cash only, no trades, no bs


Dont people ever read the entire for sale listing? Cash only, no trades, no bs


Yeah I read it, it was more plea then anything.

I got several other people wanting to do trades, it wasnt just you.

bump, anyone interested?

selling it to get the ballin audi a6?


what are u asking now?

$9000 OBO

I’ve been looking into other toys so I’m a bit more motivated to sell now…

might be looking at an S4 this week so I will need this gone

PM me your bottom line, I’m lookin to spend less than 8k but if that is too low i understand.

looking to get $8500

got two offers for $8000 so far…

might be trading the headlights for some stockers… so the price will be coming down a little if anyone wants it.

this is going to the auction on friday… unless someone wants it

how about $7900 with stock headlights