FS: 35 gallons of methanol in sealed drum

I have 35 gallons of methanol

Nowadays sells for $6 a gallon

35gal X $6/gal = $210

I’ll sell it for $150, delivered locally. ($4.25 gal)

Note, I am not looking to sell any amount other than 35 gallons.

If you want to buy a few gallons, please go to Innovative Tuning.

not bad!

good deal :tup:

Can you just give me 1/2 a gallon of it?


will this work for my honda?

Do you have meth/water injection?

im kidding newman,im not retarded

haha, i never know with you…

well glws

HMMMMM maybe interested.

yes buy

i know a guy who may need this…i’ll get back to you!

thx kait

he’s going to have to pass. he’s been buying in a 5gallon drum and said that would be too much for him.


Would you take $130 ?

twizted’s pond + drum of methanol + potato cannon with something on fire = WIN

SOLD :slight_smile:

good deal i just bought 5 gal for 15 bucks :slight_smile:

but he bought a 55 gal drum of it.

wish u were selling this a month ago lol