FS: 4gb ipod nano

4gb ipod nano… its black… works just as new… only thing wrong is it looks like someone took like 000 rated steel wool and rubbed it all over… hard to explain, but the thing works like new… put a case on it and be done with it

best offer

bump for today… i bought the kit at bestbuy last night with the usb cord and the car charger usb adapter thingy… ill take $100 for the ipod and the kit no less

best offer so far is $75 for the ipod w/out the car/computer adapter kit


if you could post a pic of it up here I might take it depending on how bad it really looks.

You can clean the front up with some rubbing compound

i dont have any kind of digi cam right now… im located in NT… the “scratches” arent like actual deep scraches its just like a whirling pattern like i said before looks like someone rubbed it with some fine steel wool… idk… it works perfect so if anyones interested ill meet u within a reasonable distance (15-20 minutes from nt)

first person to produce $75 for the ipod w/out the car/pc kit gets it

bump… FYI dont make offers ur not gonna live up to when the seller says OK


i know you said 100 but this is an offer accept it or deny it no biggie to me…i would give you 75 for all the stuff? ipod, pc/car kit, ect ect…but it wont be until friday or saturday…let me know

bring up my post y0
