fs:6x Shift knobs

Located: 401 & 400
Contact: PM or theaverageplayer@hotmail.com - msn/email.
Condition: Used/New.


Listed first to last in the picture

  1. White ball - $45 - ( APPEARS LARGER IN PICTURE - Its same size as a ping pong ball )
  2. brand new momo action adjustable - $100
  3. Silver thingy with 3 lines - $50
  4. M’sport 3 liner - $50
  5. Impul motor racing development - $55
  6. Lonza Carbon fiber - $65

More shift knobs availible, but i let friends borrow them, so more pictures later.

Silver thingy with 3 lines - $50

can i hve it bak yet fuck.

I want that IMPUL shift knob for when I finally do get my 5sp swap in the future

I’ll PM you in 2 weeks when I find enough pennies and it still hasn’t sold :wink:

lol tim

i was going to take the Impul one from JD

take what?

the impul one

you can always buy it off me :slight_smile: discount just for you

impul shift knob number #5 sold