FS: 75 Gallon Salt Tank Complete

$100 to the guy with the newer Vette(his may be a tad faster tho)


75 for a 750+ setup damm thats steep:bloated:


hey i don’t want it at all i hate fish lol … but i would give him

110 for it…

110 is the high bid. I’m drinking with rubricant and howie. lets here 120. :slight_smile:

BUMP BUY THIS TANK NOW. im in lancaster and can help you do it tonight!

best offer

what a coincidence! i’m in lancaster right now too!!11!! :wink: :wink:

Is the tank still complete minus fish?

im looking at it now. it needs a good cleaning. live rock still looks good. the eel is still alive. I just hand fed him some shrimp. light needs a bulbs. i think that someone on here is selling a great fixture that would ROCK on this tank, but its not required. skimmer needs cleaning. I think it needs a new submersible heater.

im about to run a test on the water. brb.

water test results - ROCK SOLID… im going to miss this tank!

its been rock solid for the past 4 years.

someone buy this :sad:



140 is the high bid… i will also take trades on high end car audio subs/components or a decent head unit

it is still available?


it is still available?


yes it is

I might be interested I just have to check and see if my friend wants to go in on it with me.

let me know. someone just pmed me a decent offer.

What kind of lighting does it have? Are they metal halides?


What kind of lighting does it have? Are they metal halides?


no. 2 48" strip lights in one reflector hood. no metal halides needed for what i have in the tank. coraline alge growth is great.

bump… this needs to go.


bump… this needs to go.


its on craigslist.


if you want it i would move fast.

When it goes for free, I’ll take it!!

I just wanted the tank, nothing else

Dont have the money for it though sry