FS: 93 eclipse red turbo

1993 red eclipse . fwd turbo automatic . cars in good shape no rust anywere. motor has a slight knock i need this gone asap 1650 firm . i can email pics if you like thanks.



how slight is the slight knock?

when it revs you can hear it but not at idle at all. it dont smoke or nothing. you probably get away with new crank and bearings for like 200 from advanced. i was gonna do it and sell it for like 2900 but i need the money. the car has not a spot of rust anywear.

u should become an advertiser, it seems like u r always just selling cars on here.

lol im trying to clean up garage lol

cars stil available

car needs a new crank that cost 250 for the kit with all the bearings then instaltion so your looking at like 500 to fix it. i need gone this week

So what is the price now that this info is known? Still $1650?

yea or close offer that price was for someone to buy a whole motor. just come wit cash .

taking offers guys

still have car for sale

you know whats fucking sad? you dont have 1 post ANYWHERE else on this site. you come on here everyday to lowball people on things and sell yuor own shit. if i was in any sort of position i would ban your ass from this site.

hey listen to this yes i do post other places buddy and no i dont come on everyday and lowball people i dont have free time like u i work 13 14 hour days dude. and before u come out and say shit like that you should do your research . dont call me names if you dont know me. and if u have a problem deal with wit me dont talk shit.

hahahah he posted in the newbie corner other then that its all trader section.

thats wat the trader is for

i think someone crapped on tnick’s face in his sleep last night

damn dude, glws