like the title states. it is the stock dark gray color. the paint is cracked pretty good and there are alot of scuffs and scratches in the paint. Other than the paint, the bumper it self is not really damaged at all. A quick fix if anyone is has any experience with preping and painting. just seeing if anyone is interested, i’m open to any offers.
40 bucks? or a trade for something in my parts sale i have in my post a few down
i have dibs … lol but if you beat me to it then thats fine
bump…kevin and midgeX are either of you still interested?
whats the current asking price?
take it midgex im going to do a 98 front.
yeah i think i am too :-\
you are interested? sorry i dont understand what you meant. the frown is throwin me for a loop haha
i need to sell my front end before i will have money the storm and traffic ticket owned me
understandable, with exception to the ticket i think a ton of people are in the same boat. when you get some spare cash let me know, if i still have it we can def work something out for you.
bump anyone?
midgeX man whats up?
im picking up a 98+ from another member on this board, thanks anyways, i wa sjust gonna use as a temp fix
someone come down to fredonia with a 30 of molson bottles and this is theirs…i would really like this gone by tomorrow