:giggedy x2
Youre paying isurance on a 95 Civic! How bad can it be? :confused
matt keep the car!!! dam, how many u gona go through?
I’m not sayin this cuz I’m joey’s friend but a trade for a k-swap is a good deal.
word, i’d say it’s a pretty good deal on both parts. :nod
i might be getting a new turbo… not at the liberty to say what yet :ninja but its a GT3xxxR
Just keep your car. I like it better and its not purple.
Turbo the K20.
huge money involved in turboing a K20. And this car isn’t purple it’s grey :lol Both are very clean cars (mine and this one) I’m just like Stallmer, i get bored with cars and i’ll probably turbo this thing and make it nasty, but we’ll see. :mwahaha
yea yea yea yada yadi yadi ya. you make me :angry2
Maybe Im colorblind but Im seeing purple. :nana
I didnt realize a turbo on a k20 was any different than a turbo on a b18 or any other Honda motor.
It’s grey with a purpleish undertone…
lol the turbo manifold for a K20 is $1,200 from AFI iirc, a complete turbo kit from AFI is like $6,xxx+
There we go, It’s still grey though ;D :tong
how do they tune it? full standalone? Mike from synapse told me that there is no real good engine management system, I couldnt do it to my car and pass inspection. You cant tune a turbo k20 with kpro apparantly. It’s far easier to tune it for a s.c because you are on a constant boost level vs. a turbo is variable. I plan on doing a s.c on my car once the warrantly runs out
Dude K-Pro passes emissions, and you can tune turbo K20’s with K-Pro :confused I have K-Pro and there are turbo maps and turbo options etc.
really? I was told you couldnt tune with kpro on friday night. maybe he was mistaken or I heard him wrong. and I know kpro passes emissions, but a full standalone will not, and I thought you had to use a standalone to tune a turbo k20.
I know I was standing right there with you Mark, but sorry I can’t be of any help. I wasn’t really listening. :sad
:lol ha w.e one of us is mistaken either me how I heard him or him but w.e not that it really makes a difference,
You sure you dont want to trade for my Mustang instead?
Id take the K20.
Whaa WHAT? :lol
awww, want a lollipop? will that make you feel better, how about a popsicle? :crackup