FS: Another 360 :d and GH 2.


Still for sale.

It’s the 360 with 20GB HDD, [Premium] 1 Wireless Controller, 3 Rechargeable battery packs, charging station, plug and play, Live headset, NHL 07, Gears of War.
Picture is taken with the ring totally green [all 4]


leave a voicemail if I don’t answer.

wanna seperate a controller?

$35 for GH2?

40 and you have a deal =D

I posted in someone elses WTB that I can seperate one.
Unless you’re buying it for him or something.
I don’t want to sell the 360 with no controllers :stuck_out_tongue:
But yeah, I can seperate one.

hmm, i actually need a controller too. Feel like 60 with one of them?

pm me with how much you want for one. i can meet up tonight

think the controller is gone already :confused:

how much has the GH2 been used? They start to stick the more you use them

Enough to beat the game on medium? :stuck_out_tongue:
Then I got tired of how bad I suck and gave up, lol.
Is there any special way of telling that I can do?

I know the whammy bar isn’t broken :stuck_out_tongue:
I hear those break commonly. :x

controller was sold btw.

edit; just fiddled around with it a bit and they don’t stick at all.
so i don’t know what to look for ;p

hmm, if you feel like delivering it to willville, deal

williamsville? I work there.
and have to head out there.
So uhm.

gears of war, $20?

just the system with 2 controllers? price

Uhm, only have 1 controller now, updating the post. just got home from the sale.
and uhh.
Do you still want it with only one?

i might know someone interested- whats the price w/ one controller?

360 + controller = 250 with no games I guess.

I can take pictures if anyone wants them.

i will let u know tomorrow, more then likely he will do it

hi im the kid res. j is talking about dude i would love to come look at it possibly tommorow? i will be having cash later that evening so it most likley be sold by tommorow night :slight_smile: ill pm u my number please give me a call ASAP! thanks.

Well, You can look at it anytime.
It’s up to you