FS: APEXI GT Spec Catback Exhaust

Throwing up my exhaust for sale.

Very small dent on the bottom of the canister. Medium sized flat dent on the resonator.

Zero rust, full stainless, no winters.

Clip so you can hear how it sounds.


Reason for sale: Need money for drug habit.


No trades, no layaway.

Will not ship, 1 piece exhaust!

Located west end of Toronto.

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New price thing



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First half is 3 inch, second half is like, 3.5 or 3.75

thats weird…from the pics you posted it looks liek a regular N1?

I thought it was a regular N1 at first too. But the second half of the exhaust is bigger than 3 inch. I I thought the N1 was full 3 inch?

Eithor way it’s a dirty cheap price for a full stainless apexi exhaust that isn’t going to fall apart on you like those ones bings sells.

Actually it will, all Apexi exhuasts fall apart, mine did and andrews did and you know that.

i had to have my whole Apexi exhaust rewelded, every seam along the cannister and all of the hangers…

so yeah, your exhuast will eventually fall apart… Apexi exhuasts are reknown for it.

Yes N1 duals fall apart, they arn’t even full stainless. Please show me someone who’s had their single rust out. Or their hangers brake off after 1000km like on your exhausts. :smiley:

It’s $400, people are stupid for not jumping on this.

1st reply on ZT thread:


thanks for coming out though Ed.

maybe if you relaxed your mouth on occassion you wouldnt have to go through this.

it took me less than 2 minutes to find that information… if you want me to search more i am sure i can find people with your exact exhuast, heck maybe your exhuast is about to fall apart right now and you know it and that is why you are selling it and therefore you are not offering that great of a deal

if its full stainless im assuming the metal is shiny? how about titanium?

ive seen exhausts that have a medium grey color to it, but no idea what its made out of. any way of knowing by looking or touching/inspecting it?

example: TRUST

Yes, like he said, duals.

ed you set yourself up to get your thread shit on…

im not even going to clean this up… you brought it on yourself.


bing has that thread bookmarked so every time someone says apexi is better than bootleg
he can post the link.

yet he still rocks a apexi

i dont have that thread book marked, i just remember it and others like it.

and everything that fails on the Apexi catbacks is stainless Ed. the piping is a coated mild steel but the cannisters are all stainless and that is what failed on mine and andrews in addition to the hangars.

boxy was referring specifically to the hangers only on the duals on account of the weight.

i rock apexi because the catback on my car was the first thing i ever bought for it back when i was 18. i’ll keep using it until it cant be used anymore.

also, ed, i’m not upset in the slightest, i have a big smirk on my face because you basically called me out here and in another thread depsite the fact that we’re cool now and will be after this… its just a game to you.

Anything to keep my thread at the top, I love it.

“the piping is a coated mild steel”

The duals are mild, the singles have stainless piping. Everything fails on the duals.

haha nice thread… i just wanted to add my personal experience as well. I used to have an apexi n1 exhuast on a intergra and the damn cannister blew up on me. The welds on the rear of the muffler holding the tip came right off on the highway oneday. Bings right, the piping is a coated mild steel but the cannisters are all stainless!. Anyways this is not target to apple sauce in anyway. Just cause the exhuast i had back than was shit doesn’t mean the one he’s selling is the same. Anyways Good luck on the sale

Bing im not trying to shit on your product as ive never used it but i can speak for my Apexi exhaust… Ive had the N1 single for over 5 years on the 240. it was winter driven the first year and then only in hte summer time the next 4 years. it bottoms out everywhere and ive never had a problem with it. it still looks brand new except for its a little yellowish/tarnished but what exhaust wont do that. ask Beng2k as when i was coming back from the meet in october, i bottomed the exhaust out 3-4 times in a row on a bridge and sent sparks all over his car and the exhaust is still in tact.

Don’t worry, they hate on apexi to make their bootleg parts look better. I know three people who bought exhausts off bing. All three had a hanger rip off leaving a hole in the exhaust. All within the first year of owning it. One with less than 2000km on it.

Clip so you can see how the exhaust sounds on an SR. It’s nice and quiet at idle but sweet when you’re givin’ it. Been pulled over 4 times in my car and not once have they commented on the exhaust.

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