FS: Apple MacBook 13” w/ 3 Year Warranty for $1075.00

As always, posting this because there is always an interest in Mac stuff at discounted prices. I DO NOT make a commission on these. Just offering the info which MANY people from on here have taken up on. :slight_smile:

We are getting a decent size shipment of the following system and are offering them as a promotion. We should have the information on our website shortly also. They will be in stock most likely Monday.

They are available at my work, UBMicro on the UB North Campus. There is NO academic restriction on this model.

These are BRAND NEW, not refurbs.

Order # MOB02036
Price: $1075.00 each (plus tax)

Apple MacBook White 13.3”
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.16GHz 4MB L2 @667
2GB DDR2 @ 667MHz (2 DIMMS)
120GB SATA 5400RPM Hard Drive
8x SuperDrive
13.3” TFT WideScreen
Gigabit Ethernet, Airport Extreme Wireless, BlueTooth 2.0
Intel GMA 950 Video
60w AC Adapter
2 USB 2.0, 1 FireWire, mini-DVI
iSight Built-In Camera
Apple Remote
iLife 08
Comes with Mac OS 10.4 Tiger installed but also includes OS 10.5 Leopard DVD which can be upgraded with no problems

The retail price on these are $1517.00. We are selling them for $1075.00.
That is a savings of $442.00

Great deal if you are planning on the jump to a Mac.

And yes, you can install Windows on these since they have the Intel CPU’s
Please don’t ask if I can hook you up on the software if you are not a UB student. If you don’t have a UB id card, then I can’t get you any software. You still can buy the notebook though.

Any questions, email me at my work, jh48@buffalo.edu or call my desk 645-6375

:tup: Joe

Awesoe seller / referrer.

Good price, and good seller, I bought one from ub micro when they had a special like this a year or so ago. :tup: :tup:

HOWEVER i wouldn’t say that you can upgrade to leopard with no problems… I have been very unimpressed with this OS release, I’ve had problems with it on both of my mac’s :slight_smile:

The upgrade process is super simple, however if anyone is going to get this i’d actually recommend not upgrading for a little bit.

again this is nothing against the sale or seller, they are both great :stuck_out_tongue:


Nice part about getting it with 10.4 and getting the 10.5 is that you have the choice of which system to go with.

fa sho, is perfect :tup:

also that 3 year warranty is worth a lot, applecare 3 year warranty on macbooks is usually like 250-300 dollars retail

no black no care

:tup: on the price though

black is such a rip… they charge $200 extra for same specs in a black case :stuck_out_tongue:

Black gives you an additional charge of $200, WTF.
Get a colored case from Speck for $30 and call it a day.

If you do a fresh install and not an upgrade, it usually works WAY better. Been running 10.5 on here since 2 days before it was released and have had no issues at all. Probably more stable than 10.4.11 or whatever I was on.

im not a ub student… but if i got office mac for free i would be all over this

^^ I can get you the .dmg on disk :slight_smile:

people should be all over this. this is a great deal

Yeah it is a great deal. I picked up a black Macbook, and with my student discount and work discount I was able to get it to 1150 after tax, but no 3 year warranty.


my gf was able to get me this same computer, but with 1gb of ram for $949 cus she works for apple. but this is just insane cus its including a 3-yr warranty and 2gb of ram

The one we are selling is a special configuration Apple offered. It’s still cheaper than the similiar refurb model that only has 1GB of ram.

As for the black MacBook, meh… Get the color case from Speck. You can pick the color you want and it will protect it from scratches.

We sell them for less than $50 I believe.

We did have the option of ordering Black MacBooks, but they had 1GB and were $200 more. Not worth it. We sell 10 to 1 white to black anyways.

Quick off topic question, did you work with my cousin Chris at UB?

Possibly, we have 3 people named Chris that work here. One in service, one in sales, and one in accounting.

And on topic - Looks like we will be getting our shipment in on Monday. We are taking preorders to guarantee order. PM or email me if interested.

you know i asked a few of my friends that upgraded and/or did fresh installs and they all agreed it didn’t seem to make much difference but on that note, none of them were having the same issues I was.

I will be upgrading to a MB Pro soon anyways and i’ll do a fresh install on that and see if it is any better.

chino, do you have an intell based macbook? or a g4 ibook?