FS: BB 8800 for ATT now with pix

I have a slightly used BlackBerry 8800 for At&t I might have the box,cd and manuals that came with it I will have to look.

Looking for $250 obo

I no longer have any use for it as the company i’m with switched all of our phones over to Tmobile.

I will be in Buffalo late Thursday night until mid day Monday for the holiday weekend. Make me an offer…


I’m sorry

That’s a good price but you should call AT&T and get your unlock code, you can sell it for $75-100 more.

ummm why?

You do realize I travel all across the US and I never have any issues with them right?

I’ve had Verizon(which I still have) and At&t for the past few months and now switched to Tmobile and i’m really happy with it.

STFU verizon boi

as long as it’s not spring i’m happy

and Karter, buy it and unlock it if you want then sell for more…

well dude, more power to ya.


Yeah I hear tmobile service is pretty good, I wouldn’t know my sidekick3 gets the shittiest service ever.

I’ve been told its because its a sidekick3 and the sidekick LX dosent have that problem.
I feel thats just a ploy to get me to switch phones. I dunno I really need someone else with a normal tmobile phone to go to all the places with me that my phone drops, and see if thiers does the same.
Between here and Va it didnt seem to drop alot, It seems in any major citys it works just fine, but in a city you dont need a cell phone, you need it in the middle of nowhere hahahaha.

Anyways GLWs, thats a good price, should go fast.

ebay it. IMO

If someone wants to give me $200 this weekend and turn around and sell it on ebay fine with me.

I don’t need the money, just don’t need this phone either…
all proceeds of anything sold on nyspeed will be spent on drinks this weekend =)

you don’t sell verizon anymore, you don’t have to only promote them <3

Put this on http://blackberryforums.com
It would have sold by now

i know, i dont like tmobiles coverage though.

but someone buy this phone!! i <3 my BB!!

I have a phone just like that and its a great phone. I deff have the phone unlocked and put it on that blackberry forum. That phone would sell in an hour or less.

don’t wana ship, don’t care to ship

buy for $200 sell for $250 and profit??
im gunna throw this thing out if someone doesn’t buy it this weekend

call me if you want it 716-432-6278

bump i’ll be in Buffalo again next week

What’s ‘slightly used’ mean? What keys are worn down and how much chrome has been chipped off?

it’s honestly in almost perfect shape, pm me your cell # I can take a pic with my other phone and send it to ya. It was almost always kept in the case, only used for email.


all money made from anything sold on here will be used to pay excessive bartabs while i’m in town.