All handles in the image are for sale.
They are ALL priced at $15 each (plus shipping).
OR you can buy the whole lot (32) for $150? Lol.
Willing to entertain trades…sure.
Some are new, some are used. I will update the thread as sales go.
Buyer pays shipping. Also available for pickup.
If you need more detailed pictures of a certain one your interested in please let me know.
PM or 647 881 5086

All payments can be sent via EMT or PayPal to
Please include your Full Name, Address, Phone Number, Username and item details in the payment comments.
Contact me first for any questions.
Haha, bump for you

** this acrylic one does not work well as a shift knob, the plastic is really soft and the hole becomes oblong real fast. I’m now using the Bud wooden handle beside those (solid red) and works beautifully.
A quick solution to that would be to have a threaded insert glued in.
Picture updated with what is sold.
i have that bud one for my shift knob… same exact one… and the i have a labatt blue ball…
but for a acutal question … have any moosehead? i have been looking for ever
these are fun i rocked a ceramic Creemore Springs one for a week or so
Picture updated, lots are now gone. New picture shows what’s left.
Get them while they’re cheap!!!
A bunch of orders have been sent out this morning. Expect them in a week or so.
What’s the white coor’s one made of?
got mine today, sent one of the wrong ones but i aint even mad doeeeee.
Bump for good seller.