FS: Blown T25 Turbo

It was on my Blacktop SR, had 32,000km on it.

I’m pretty sure that the oil seals are gone. However, it still makes boost. Not a lot of shaftplay, it’s best if you can come and check it out for yourself.

$130 obo

I can get pics. Just let me know.

But it’s pretty much just a T25. Nothing special.

Since SON is full of Asians, which i’m pretty surprised;
Whoever wants this Turbo, please pm me with your offer. I.E How much you would like me to pay you in order to take this turbo off my hands. Lowest offer wins since I’m not a rich man.

i’ll give you 25 bucks for it. pls don’t get me wrong, but that’s my price for cores

are you on fucking glue?

How did you know? :slight_smile:

are you referring to birdhou53 or martiniracing?

If i had asked for $25. The best offer I woulda gotten is for me to give them the turbo for free + $50 of my own cash. and then they will consider taking it off my hands.

This is son, get with the program. If you want $100 for something, you have to ask $400. You guys should all know this by now.

I’ll pick up the turbo tomorrow as long as it’s free and you give me 51 pesos.

130 is totally fair considering u can spend 250 on a rebuild, that way u spent total $380 on a brand new t25 which is still very cheap…

or you can buy an actual brand new one made by garret for that price. rebuild kit is only like 75 dollars anyways.

actually no, a rebuild kit is 100 bucks, plus 150 for the actual labour on the rebuild.
where can u get a brand new sr20det version- t25 from garret for 380 bucks?
i highly doubt that is available for that price…do some more research to make sure.

I havent the slightest clue where to find an sr20det t25, but I know T25’s are a dime a dozen as they came on like every car ever.

perhaps we should move to pm if you wish to continue this battle. would somebody think of the children!?!!?!?!?

Hey Varun, thanks for your comments.

Boostaddict, yeah, where can you find a brand new T25 for $380? And T25s are not that cheap nor easy to come by. Just because it comes with every SR in general doesn’t mean that you can easily get one. Trust me. Tell me if you can find one on SON by tomorrow for $200 or whatever. If not on SON, look around the GTA.

Pm me with your results.

If not, please shut the fuck up.


mark if he does find a dealer who sells them for 350 brand new, i will order 30 off you lol . i guarantee it wont happen haha

“brand new and 380 bucks” na na lol

Chad, if I do, i’d definitely let you know.

I’m sick of seeing people just posting up prices for shit that they cannnot back up. If he can find a brand new one for $380, i’d definitely buy it.

Hell, I wonder if even Phil could get it for that price. I should send him a pm.

I have no desire to search around for a huge list t25’s, but you do know they came on 2g dsm’s, saabs, some gm’s and more.

heres just a quicky dilly


and they can be had for $250 usd brand new on ebay.

waits for people to cry that they arent the exact t25 an sr20 has

maybe I just have a problem paying more for things because it came from japan.

lol not only are they not the exact same ones that came on sr’s, but they are put together with glue :S

If you can get a DSM T25 to bolt up to an SR then you sir are one hell of a mechanic. The DSM T25 is also not the same size as the SR T25. Just because they are both classed T25 does not make them identical. I think you should take the suggestions above and read a little before you go around slamming peoples pricing.

^^ DSM T25… funny doesn’t look like my turbo outlet will bolt up to that. How about yours?

just as i predicted!




I’m done with this. 130 Is too much imo. but i’ve never payed $600 for a jdm centre console either so maybe i’m not with the times yet.

Wow, I’ve seen less drama in a Best Actress Oscar speech…


Seriously, even if it’s ‘blown’ as long as there is no shaft or turbine/compressor damage it’s a great price. As you said, rebuild kits are CHEAP.
As long as you’re just replacing seals and the journal bearings then it’s very easy to do.
If anything needs machining then you’re better off just buying a new turbo.

I was quoted by a place in markham $800 to rebuild my CA’s small stock T25… (although now I know i could have just done the seals and moved on)
I bought a brand new T3 super-60 off Battle Auto for a lot less and ditched T2s for now :wink:

So where does that one say garrett?