Fs: Blue screen passport 8500 x50

:rofl I think that constitutes a own…

I got a couple legit offers of 150 and thats more money then you have adam…

I got it, just needs to last me awhile…Not spending money on stupid shit that I dont need.

Ha I have that luxury

Eh, its a practice im going to continue once i start making money again. Its wayy too easy to spend money on stupid ass shit. If i could hava 1/2 the cash i spent on retarded stuff I could have a down payment on a house lol

u own a mustang… all that needs to be said lol

Cheap CensoredCensoredCensoredCensored, and paid off…has been for about 5 yrs now lol

So no more drunk nights? Or do you need the alcohol?

Dont get drunk much, maybe like 2-4 times a month as its been for the last few months. But its expensive when I do, cuz unfortunately im not a lightweight. I wish i was…

For a while there you were going every night or trying to, atleast it looked that way from your posts here.

Bars are way too fucking expensive. I went out a few weeks ago and dropped $50+. It sure felt like a waste of money the next day. I couldve gotten just as fucked up with a $10 12 pack.

Damn’t make an “Adam does this with his spare time/money thread”

blow me

a thread about masturbating?

Adam is going blind

and im growin hair on my palms…

Yea that shit is rough

make hand mullets

What is wrong with you

what isnt would be a shorter list

True…gtfo and go get your stupid f150