Fs: Blue screen passport 8500 x50

I’ve had this unit for about two years and it works great. Still have the original box and case with it. Just looking to get a new one. Asking 180 obo


$21…oh wait i already have one

Word lets get reasonable offers unlike stallmers jew offer of 100 bucks

100 is better than 20…LMAO

Yea but you dont even have 20…we already know this

Offer stands you goddamn prick

yeah, fuck the OP!


Yea fuck you cheap asses

Fuck your non car havin ass!

short stuff do you even currently own a shitbox that can exceed a highway speed limit. lol


I do have a vehicle that exceeds the speed limit

Justin’s sister was considering getting a radar detector, and she has a VW too so she can be a queer like me and match it to her gauges. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll ask her about it and let you know Sean…

1 moderately obese cat, 2 draft beers and a lexus first aid kit

Ohhhh that is tempting


Id take 150

Oh, alright…Just wondering.:smiley:
