FS: Burton Puff Magic Shawn White jacket-red rock

price: $100, negotiable
size: large
used: 2 days of boarding
no problems with zippers, pull strings, etc.
jacket keeps you nice and warm, zippers down side of jacket for ventilation/nicer fit
buying a Special Blend MJ Threepeat jacket, need some extra money for it

anything else you would like to know, just ask.

Pic isn’t working. What size is this?

Stupid shitty FS threads lately you fucking suck.

Hai i’m selling a jacket, idk teh size its red omg buy me!..fggt:picard:


Sugg. Retail: $179.95

ahahahaha +karma for you sir


ok if you dont like it then get off the misc items trader then… faggot

well i would have possibly liked it, if all the info was there.

its a large

what do u want to know?

well im good now. i see the type of jacket, and the size. size is to small, and sorry not a fan of the jacket. nothing personal


25 minutes left

same jacket $66

Too bad that link takes u to a pair of goggles, if your gunna try making a point, at least be right

Hey dumbfuck, he said 25 minutes left. You posted an hour later.

If your gunna try making a point, at least be right