FS: Bushnell NEO GPS Range Finder

I got this at a golf tourney and have no use for it since i suck at golf.

first decent offer takes it… new in box, great for your dad if he golfs.

KIJIJI Ad: http://toronto.kijiji.ca/c-buy-and-sell-sports-bikes-Bushnell-NEO-GPS-Range-Finder-W0QQAdIdZ225178671

yo bing, you can edit the add with that link lol, Just FYI

thanks edited

an exchange from today on Kijiji:

Hi there,

I am willing to buy the range finder for $50 asap and you can ship it to me COD.

Thank you,


You cannot have it for $50 and I would never ship anything COD.

Do not contact me about this item again.

Bing Wong

I actually would sell this for $50… but who the hell asks for COD?

anyways, just thought i would share