fs cheap paintball setup

[left]This thread is horrendous and should be an example of what not to do when trying to sell something.

I tried to fix it for you :slight_smile:

This shitty little picture is the stuff I’m selling for my friend.

gun 9oz co2 hopper mask approx 600 paintballs 1 pod. and cleaning kit

I have no idea what kind of gun it is, nor do I know what grammar is. However, the vague information that I gave can be barely extrapolated to:

-The item for sale is a gun which may or may not shoot paintballs.
-It comes with a 9 oz C02 tank.
-It comes with a hopper and a mask, both of which are pictured in the 4 by 8 nanometer photo.
-The mask was shot by approximately 600 paintballs and 1 pod.
-A cleaning kit was used so you could see through the mask again.

There, maybe now it’ll have a chance of actually selling.