FS: Clifford Matrix 3.5 RSX alarm w/ extras // floor bar

Basically all I have left is a megan front strut bar. For S13.

For $60. Painted flat black.


how about $ 50 for the lip?

Sorry lip is sold. Please PM about other items


Can’t count to 7?

dont megan strut bars sell for $70 brand new

^ No. Well not the one I have. On the site they have 2, one for 100, one for 70. The $70 one doesn’t have a full circle around the strut towers, like so:


The $100 one, does. Like so:


Mine has the full thing around the strut tower, however it does look a bit different, the middle part on mine says megan racing and stuff on it.

Hence the $90 obo :slight_smile:

spd dmn I can count to 7 but I did not count replies where I have to answer questions as “bumps”. So if you count it like that my bump was way after 7 days.

We don’t count it like that. It’s seven days from the last post.

A reply automatically puts your post the top. The reason for 7-day bumps wasn’t just made up for shits and giggles.
It’s to give everyone’s post a fair chance to be at the top.

So if someone asks a question and you reply, your thread is at the top-- twice. If there are no replies from other people, price updates, or clarification of something… count to seven then bump.


Bump (it will be 7 days in three hours, plz don’t lock).

Original Post updated. Can the mods clean up the thread from certain individuals who were saying my prices are too much when they were talking about a different item and for some reason decided to still post this shit without even asking me about it ?

Bump! Got a few offers, but still have all the stuff.


Edit: right after I bumped this someone called dibs on the s14 seats and springs. SO hopefully those are sold. (Yay, now I get to waste this money on my gf’s christmas gift.)

Please send me offers for alarm, and the front megan strut bar, i’ll let them go for a good price!

What is the bottow line the front megan strut bar?And if you have the rear make a really nice price i’ll get it. And just to make sure it’ll be fit on s13?

Hey, sorry but the megan strut bar should be sold. If it falls through i’ll send you a pm.

bump :wink:
