FS: Compaq Pocket PC

Compaq IPAQ H3830

-Colour screen

  • MSN Messenger
  • IE
  • Windows Media Player (For Mp3s)
  • Word, etc.
  • Bluetooth capabilities
  • SD card expansion

Comes with USB Cable/ Charger, and foldup keyboard.
No scratches on screen at all.

$150 OBO

Call me if you want it. 221-4046

any flash cards with it?

The only one I have to sell is a 256meg SD card with built in WIFI, comes with opened package and software. $80, or $200 for the package deal.


Just let me check out a couple things, but if all goes well I should be able to take it.

Sort of trivial, but do you have a carrying case for it?

I have a leather case for my PDA… could throw it in if the price is right.

Cool, well, I’ll let you nkow as soon as I can. I’m just waitign to hear back from the guy that wants my CLie NR70

Tentatively sold tommorow morning… I’ll let you know.


The guy had to leave town until thursday or so…

I think i found a buyer for the SD card… ill let you know at work jeff

Bump $120