weird, just bought these same ones from ashley liek 2 weeks ago. super freakin comfy
I had these for sale awhile ago. Sale fell through.
Love seat and couch were purchased at Ashley Furniture. October they will be a year old.
Couch $400.00
Love seat $300.00
Dang they look nice. Can’t afford that though =(
$200 for the love seat?
$200 for the love seat?
sent ya pm
$350 for the couch now
$250 for the love seat
ill give u $500 if u can deliver them to South Buffalo
$600 Takes them. Can not Deliver
Do they have feet, or just lay on the floor like that?
i have the legs for them
woo hoo… these things look great. Thanks again Ted. Felt like a hill billy driving off with one sticking out of the back of the truck and the other on the roof.