FS F/T 2001 KX125 parts bike

I have a 2001 KX125 parts bike i’m looking to sell. 75% of the bike is there. I’m pretty sure the tranny is shot on it. Parts that it needs:

Gas tank
Brake levers
Chain + sprockets

Otherwise the bike is there an the parts are all in top condition. Would make a great project. Its easily worth $1000 in parts. I’m willing to let it go for $650 or any interesting trades? PS3?


looks like its missing a lot more than whats listed.

sorry mang, you need to add a FS: and you need alot more then what is listed. i will give you 100 for the triple tree and forks.

the wheels are included with the bike. why would I lie about whats missing?

levers? grips? handle bars, pipe, screws… it look like alot of work.

pipe is there, all bolts + nuts are there, post said no levers , grips and bars are included.