Great table, had it for a little over a year now. The table new was around 350. It was a present so i am not exactly positive on the price. I know it was speacial ordered through Dick’s though. The table comes with two balls, 1 extra player for each team, and 2 cupholders. I never put the cupholder on because I did not want to risk hurting the table.
The table is a regulation size table and built very sturdy. Definitely one of the nicest tables I have ever seen. All of the poles still rotate freely.

I had this exact table for a while and can say that it is very nice, very heavy and very sturdy. It is not at all like the cheap $100 junk tables that people break after 2 weeks of use. Mine made it through 3 apartments and countless hours of use and it still looked like the day we put it together.
Knew this one was coming. I guess since I spanked you on it so many times, it was bound to happen :bigthumb:
Nice table BTW, played on it a few times.
pm’ed whats the length of the table?
i think length is 54", with 53" of playing surface. It is regulation, I will try to measure it tonight
i should really buy this…