Bumpski for loooky dookee
day after a party bump
BUMP…Sale pending
Bump because owner enjoys burnouts in front of his house
I heard it is indeed sold and there is a white sedan replacing it’s place in the driveway on Wednesday…
oh come on ,joey why ya do that you fuck
Bump …
Sale still pending at 5500…
Sale pending , do not fuck this thread .There is another thread created for that
come on guys we cant forget about dukey ladukey
LMAO that should be my name on my avitar …
Guy is having me bring it to a shop where they can look it over and make sure everything is all good with it .Then hopefully it wil be sold.All the parts on it are pretty much replaced or band new
You give me 1500 cash
Plus the car
and Ill give you my grand prix
Not interested in your cars
but if not done right, who wants it/?? you fail d00k ledouche:lol
No , the guy wanted it checked out .Like for rust under the car or accident damage.Shit like that asshole
Bobby just fight MK4 30R and get it overwith. Punch him in the nads
i wish him luck. certainly will need it. but i gaurantee he gets man handled.
i call winner
h2oi wrasslin match, ok :excited