hey I don’t mean to post anything bad but didn’t you say you paid $3500 for it, and now you said you bought it for $3300. Anyways, you know that you will NEVER get your money back for putting money into a car right? Unless it’s a classic car or something.
Another thing, this is son. No one really cares how much money you put into your car, they are still going to offer you “Hi, ill give u $1200 CASH today!”
I’m sorry but this is SON. Try posting your car on another forum to get that price. I’m not saying it’s a bad price cause it’s hard to find a clean s13 these days, but I have to see it in person in order to say anything. So I can’t say that it’s mint or that it’s bad.
But good luck with your sale.
btw, crsbb is an idiot, he’s just jealous that he’s not gonna get the $10,000 that he’s asking for his s14. rofl.