FS: Great Computer

I have a top notch PC that I don’t need anymore. It has a 3Ghz intel pentium 4 processor. 1gig of ECC RAM. An Asus Mother board… i can’t think of the model. And i forget exactly the hard drive size but i believe its an 80gig SATA hard drive. It was bought about a year or so ago and it had all of the top technology put it. And I believe that a 3Ghz processor is still the fastest you can buy so it’s not out dated at all.

I bought it for just over 2 grand, lookin for 600 obo. Open to all reasonable offers.

detailed specs pls.

detailed info:

Powerman switching power supply - 115V 7A/230V 4A
Asus Mother board P4P800-VM
Vault PC series, P4 3000E case
Intel Pentium 4 processor at 3Ghz, 3Ghz 1G ram
I don’t know the socket number or cache off hand sorry.

what kind of case is it in?

Vault PC series, P4 3000E case

not to rag but i just hate to see false info.

fastest clock speed last i heard was P4 3.73GHz (EE)

^And the 3.73 EE is still garbage. Not that processors matter nowadays anyway.
How has nobody asked what vid card this is running, it’s the first and maybe the only question to be asked.

maybe to a gamer…

if its got 32mb or more it can do 1600x1200 @ 32-bit and therefor good enough for me!

btw intel h8r, amd is going down for the first time since the athlon when core is released. ;] ;]

Did you steal your sig off my MSNGR name? :squint:

And is this including a monitor? I hope so.

Sorry for not being such a computer guru such as yourself.

No clue what video card is in there, wasnt used for that purpose. Was used for engineering purposes only, and worked well at that, and would work even better as a home PC.

Sorry for not being such a computer guru such as yourself.

He was just providing correct information, when you failed to. No need for sarcasm.

yeah dont get all worked up. i didn’t mean it harshly I was just making sure the sale was not misleading people to believe they were buying the fastest processor available.

My appologies.

Im not too computer savey so I don’t really know that type of thing. I’m just trying to unload a computer that I no longer need.


Steal it off your msngr name? I don’t even HAVE you on msngr :stuck_out_tongue:
Which prolly means I should add you.
And that’s a pretty good deal for 450. ECC ram is expensive. What engineering are you?

I myself am in electrical, but the buddy I bought it off of is in computer engineering.

Sweet. What stuff were you running on it? My laptop gets absolutely assraped by Catia and Ansys. Most things I do in Matlab kills it too :smiley:

I actually wasnt running anything on it for school/work, I was using another computer, which was a bit better then this one, which will also be up for sale soon, moved up to a lap top.

price drop again, $400

someone take this off my hands please.

drats! i shoulda looked here a couple days ago! just bought a laptop for my network engineering course…this woulda helped me for an in-home lab computer tho. if anything i think a couple of my friends MIGHT be interested in a purchase