fs: greddy type s bov, hks turbo timer

Asking Price: $ (140,55 respectively)
Condition: Used
Location: pickering
Will Ship?: Y
Contact Info: Send PM for contact, or email: mk3spoolint78@yahoo.com

greddy type s bov.

hks ssq bov’s
adjustable model.
140 cdn each

lastly, i have a hks turbo timer.
this is the older model with the green display.
price is 55cdn
no harness, just the turbo timer.

email is mk3spoolint78@yahoo.com

Hey, where are you located?

pickering bro

Damn, if only you were closer to London I would buy that bov. Sorry man, I don’t feel like driving 2 and a half hours.

i could ship it for 10 more.

type s sold.
hks bov’s added.