FS: GS-R Full 2.5" Aluminized Exhaust + Cat & Magnaflow Muffler + Resonator

Name: Chris
Payment: Paypal
Location NY 12010
Contact: PM or chrisdav6@verizon.net
Price: $275 + Shipping Fees

I have a full Aluminized 2.5" exhaust for a 2000 Integra gs-r with 18" Magnaflow resonator
2.5" cat and Oval Magnaflow muffler. The Muffler tip is slanted and polished,
kind of looks like an ITR muffler, very sleeperish!

I purchased this used for a JRSC project and never got a chance to install it.
I painted the entire thing black except the muffler to protect from corrosion.
I want to get at least $275 for this plus about $50 for shipping.
It will have to be sent through Greyhound because it’s
just too large to send UPS.



will this fit on a 4 door?

with an extension somewhere it will

interested in any trades??

sorry but i could really use the cash.