FS: hard drive


is there anyway you can clean it up n leave the xp on it?


Chances are when you drop it in a completely different computer it will count as enough “change points” that the OS will force you to re-activate it.

I just slapped a new motherboard/processor/ram/video card in my computer and didn’t bother to reformat. Windows re-detected all the new hardware just fine but made me activate it again. Not a big deal because mine is a legit MSDN copy.

Yea that won’t work…

You will have to do a repair install of XP to make it work…It will start to boot and crash because of the differences in the chipset if you don’t

there isnt much on it, you can have it as is, and just get rid of what you want, or i could wipe the whole thing. your choice.

ill take it for $20…if you can wipe it clean for me

even if not, ill still take it


I’ve done this several times. It normally takes at least two reboots worth of plug and play detections but I never had to do a reinstall when swapping a hard drive into a completely different computer. Windows plug and play has actually gotten pretty good since XP. The only problem is they use hardware change points, and if you get enough points you have to reactivate because MS knows it’s a new computer.

