I used this for liek 2 months in the summer of 05 when I had a bike. Would be a good track helmet for a car, or a great bike helmet. its like brand new. i have the receipt, box, bag, and helmet(everything that came with it). Paid 175, this exact helmet sells for 150 on ebay. Id like 110 for it, OBO or trades! will take 95 for it to get it out of my way. perfect condition
how much u want but if u want tot trade a got a bunch of stuff like snowboards paintball guns airsoft guns tvs it all just sits in my basement im gonna sell it all sooner or later
lol no i got a ride fleetwood series with leblanc bindings
a forum with burton bindings and a couple 20 in tvs and i think a 34 in tv and like 3 autocoker paintball guns and it just all chills in my basement everything is in perfect condtiontvs are prob like 4 yrs old i also have a 50in projection im tryin to get rid of but its worth a little more
really dont need a snowboard, and im good on the smaller tv’s and paint ball guns…
slow- it was between the med and a large, but since it was 100% being used on a bike i wanted it snug. if i bought it for using it with cars, or anything else like that I would got the large. its not liek its small, i just wanted it to fit perfect