FS: M!nt S13 Cloth seats

No rips or tears with grey cloth. Very good condition seats but not selling with rails. So if ur seats are ripped or messed up throw your rails on these seats. I hacked my rails up to fit in my new seats. Not looking for much out of these seats shoot your offers, Low-balls accepted i just may not accept your low-balls.
*need pics?? let me kno and ill post em soon

Edit: Pics

Are these from a zenki or a chuuki? Apparently the zenki seats are closer to the “bucket seat” style, so maybe it’ll help people who are interested…

I belive zenki? its a one peice seat with a single hole for sumthing like a 4 point harness. It doesnt have a removable headrest ill get the pics up soon.

Had some people interested never showed for pick up or called to arrange a meet. Seats are going for 70 for both…wether or not u take both seats or not. Only reason their 70 is because i have arragements set up with another member for this weekend. As he was one of the 1st to have a interest in the seats and not being one of the guys who never showed/called. If seats are not gone this weekend im asking 60. How ever u can grab them earlyer for 70 between now and when ever this other guy wants to pick them up this weekend.

Someone pick these up they are the nicest of the S13 cloth seats, same type of material the S14 cloths are. They will hold you in your seat WAY better then the tweed.

sold lock thanks