FS: Max Afinogenov Russian Jersey

Brand new. I own a white one. $75 shipped, $70 picked up.

That kicks ass. What size is it? would my 5’3" petite wife be swimming in it?

that could be any number 61 hockey player lol how do we know who it is

haha for all we know that could be any country how do when know its russia?

im russian and that is max’s name on the back

Yeah I think its a size 52? I will double check. But yeah she would be swimming in it.

And yes, it’s a Max jersey.


i’ll give you fifty since thats an average eBay price :stuck_out_tongue:

that is the correct russion spelling of maksim’s name

that is, however, not the correct english spelling of his name…or russian

sweet jersey though. i may be intersted if you lower the price

Ill take 60 for it. I’m in Cheektowaga

this is the correct spelling of his name in russian. same as on the jersey. so how is it not correct?


you did not spell russian correctly…i just thought your post was kind of ironic.

<~reinstates offer of $50 a la eBay

oh, haha

Pick up this weekend?

deal, PM me phone # or something for sat or sunday :tup: