FS: Maytag DishWasher

I got a used maytag dish washer for sale.


not sure how old it is, works perfictly fine

reason for sale: purchased a new dishwasher

this is perfict for a student who is sick of washing dishes or someone who purchased a new place and needs one

asking $100

located eglington and islington

ready for pickup

how many previous owners?

what does the undercarriage look like?

have you been running premium dish soaps? have you been using soaps with lemon in them?

if so, was it genuine lemon extract or simulated lemon freshness?

post of full details or BAN!

original owner

redtop sr20

frame rails are mint

bings.ca lip

pure synthetic

she’s a beauty

i also have a dishwasher for sale. She’s JDM. No rust. Only 1 previous owner (me). Manual.

What is the pH level? Do you have a water softener? Ever abused? Raced (simpsons)?

is it burning oil ?

injector sizes? wash cycles?

does the beaver paneling come off?

bahahhaah , i dunno ill investigate tomorrow

make sure you turn the motor over by hand before starting, the things been sittin lol

you mean the wooden body kit ? :dunno:

chicks love the panelling. just add some decals on there for some extra horsepower and you’re good to go. :wink:

oh you mean like this

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this isnt a joke btw

price drop $75

How many threads are we gonna kill in “Other Items” with our stupid car jokes.

BTW willing to part it out? :lol:

ill take the surrounding cabinets and the washer for 125.


bahaha – this was actually one of the funnniest threads ever on Son…classic.

ps - I’ll take it for $6.25

(No thread is complete without a Son lowball)

be cafeful like that man, watch him say ‘deal’ and you’ll bascially be paying for him to get rid of it for free ahahah lol jk