FS Megan Racing coilover system

Megan Racing fully adjustable coilover system
Only $1350 cdn, PM is a Key :smiley:

s13/s14? assuming its for a 240

and nice try


yup that a good deal!!! but that the best I can do :o
And sure is for both s13/14 :lol:

Are the coilovers new or used?

There is a difference between the S13 and S14 megan coilovers. They are not the same, and you would have to modify the mounting points (bolt holes) on the S13’s to fit a S14…

s13 and s14 rears are totally different…i have both in front of me right now…

They are both brand new for s13/s14

Are you missing something?

“They” “are” “not” “the” “same”.

I HAVE both set brand new for s13/s14[/quote]

ill take both sets for 1350…thats 675 cdn each right?

ok cool if U like U can but I never say both sets for $1350 hahaha :lol:
I said I have both sets for s13/14…dumpass :roll:

ok cool if U like U can but I never say both sets for $1350 hahaha :lol:
I said I have both sets for s13/14…dumpass :roll:[/quote]

you’re also writing engrish with no punctuation. so to sum it up: you’re trying to sell your megan coilovers here. u can get them for both the s13 and the s14 at 1350 a set.

BUT no one will buy them from you because everyone can get them cheaper through slipperysilvia for 1200.

so either “try harder” or dont bother. btw, its dumBass. not dumpass.

Alright, break it up. If he wants to sell for his price, let him. Not interested, dont buy it then.

so much drama