FS: N60 MAF with Harness

Asking Price: $ 60
Condition: Used
Location: Pickering, ON
Will Ship?: Y at buyers cost
Contact Info: Send PM for contact details and to schedule a meet
Description: Hey SON, I got an N60 MAF with the Harness piece that connects to the MAF from a Maxima. My KA-T plans will be delayed for sometime so I’m putting it up for sale.

I will try to get some pics of it tomorrow.

Thank you for your time reading this post.

Here are the pictures so you know what you are buying.


Weekend special! - $50 till tomorrow (May 10th) night.
Help me pay off my exhaust SON!

wat is???

The N60 MAF that’s for sale.

ya wats it for?? lol

Oh it was pulled from a 93 Maxima.

Price update: $45

If I don’t hear from anyone in the next day or two, this will go back into the parts collection box.

In any case thanks for reading.

N60 maf is used for Ka-t its flows better than stock and when used in a t25 setup on the KADE along with sr stock injectors it all works really well together with no or little tuning depending on if you want a external BOV or just a recirc… With a recirc no tuning should be needed to run fairly well…

Thanks Slide_Junkie. I guess I misunderstood what the last poster was asking for.

Nobody going KA-T?

I’ll take your best offer - no reasonable offers will be turned down.


dude i was selling them for $20 with pigtail , don’t expect alot more

not helpfull/usefull
dont shit on his for sale thread