for sale: nankang ns-II’s 245/40 R 18s. one is worn more than the other 3, so i really don’t care what i get for them. would be good if you’re doin a different set up in the front and back
for sale: nankang ns-II’s 245/40 R 18s. one is worn more than the other 3, so i really don’t care what i get for them. would be good if you’re doin a different set up in the front and back
how much? a buddy of mine is looking to get new tires and was looking at that same size.
I need them tires for my bimmer… Pm me a price…plz
$500 for racetard, $150 for wallace.
i’ll post some pics of the wear. pm me some offers bc im lazy
still waitin to change these tires off my rims so bare with me