just hanging around my shop …
no need for them anymore …they are 8000k 9004 setup … basically you can put them in any car you would just have to buy different bulbs
they are the same ones as the link just a different box … we get them out of canada …
I would like to get $180 … they are new
Thanx Derrick … 465-2820
bump for Derrick…if i would have know about this a week ago i wouldnt have made my own harness and upgraded to 9007
how much without the bulbs?
How bout $180 … and you can put the bulbs up on ebay
if these were high/low they would be in my car already.
another bump for a sweet deal
where would you be able to get bulbs locally? and do you know how much they would cost?
Would they fit my car? if so I will take them Can meet you anytime with cash. Call my cell 912-3468