Looking to sell my Wii and figured i’d try and post it here to see if it gained any interest. It’s a white Wii with 4 controllers (2 white, 2 black), 4 nunchucks (again, 2 white, 2 black), 4 motion plus add ons. The console is also soft modded to play backups and VC games from the Nintendo market, it’s currently on firmware version 4.1 and comes with a 160gb USB hard drive to hold all of the games. The hard drive can also be upgraded as it’s just a USB enclosure with a regular hard drive inside. I’m at work right now so I don’t have the full list of games that are on the hard drive but off the top of my head I know it has the new super mario bros and the new donkey kong along with some of the other popular games (new punch out, wii sports resort, etc…) If anyone is interested let me know, I was hoping to get around $200 for everything. I can also revert the system back to stock if you’d rather not deal w/the backups (although extremely easy to use). PM me or reply below if interested. I’ll snap some pics later when I get home.