-FS Nissan Pathfinder 1999 - $8,500 OBO

Sup everyone I also got a NISSAN PATHFINDER 1999 for sale it has 160,000kms, body is in perfect condition, silver exterior, leather interior also perfect condition, non smoking, ps,pw,pm,pl, emission tested and certified, in really good condition no problems

email - slickrick_03_15@hotmail.com
cell - leave a msg and il get right back to you at 647-654-9463, or call 416 - 668-2489

located in Scarborough

many pictures available upon request

  • Ricky


hint IT’s marked “read before posting”
mods? anyone?

hint… title cant be all caps… or its gna be locked :slight_smile:

you have 2 hrs to fix the title

or i lock it