FS: NO2 muscle supplement

As title says, I’ve got a LOT of NO2 left over. I bought a 300ct bottle from GNC a while back, and it just didn’t jive with me so I went off of it. The 300 ct bottle goes for about $100 at GNC, I’ll let my 212 remaining go for $30 firm. If I don’t get $30 out of it, I’ll just mail the rest to my army buddy in GA. Pretty much everyone except me seems to work well with this stuff, I’m just the exception i guess, haha. My loss, your gain - thanks :slight_smile:

PM me or respond in thread if interested

EDIT: quiet you

All Natural > *

taking 8 pills a day everyday gets old…but it makes u bulk up quick…i still have a little left over…

g/l w/sale

NO2 with CE2 is good shit

ill let you know because my buddy is gettin on that

Those things are still that expensive? Damn! I took NoX2 for awhile which are basically the same thing except cheaper.

Edit: How old are these? Expiration date?

Oh if I take this will I be broly!?

Does it work for the people that look the like kid from roadtrip?

^ you might need to get on the real :tspry: