FS: Pevey Firebass 4x10 bass cab and head

like title says. 4 10 cab great shape used once lost intrest… 500 OBO head is 700 watts i beleive i gotta double check… 500 obo need this gone asap ill try to get pics when im back in town


how much for both?

500 obo for both

specs on the head?
pics? or link to pics on musicians friend?

cant find it on there. ill try to get over there tonight its at my other house when i get back intown from rochester. ill take some pics and write down the info.

sounds good. dibs pending info and what not.
how old is this stuff? did you buy new or used?

the guy i bought it from used it once. i picked it up played one show and lost intrest in the whole band thing… i bought it 3 years ago i think. its just sat in my bedroom lol

so its fairly old then? everything still work? let me know when you get the model numbers so i can make a fair offer. thanks.