first off is my RCA Lyra Audio/Video Jukebox works fine, nothing wrong with it that i know of… it holds 20 gigs, i havent used it since i got my ipod, btw it plays mpeg4 videos

next is an ipod mini, it worked fine for 2 weeks after i got my philips hdd1630, but its in rough shape… it fell off my motorcycle at about 30 mph… and took a chunk out of the case… not a big one, but if your looking for pristine, not the one you want, it was bought in june i believe by some other kid on here and i bought it from him, only problem i notice is a shitty battery life with this thing, and its been like since i got it (4 gb)
$50 bucks

the 7ft pool table in this thread
$150, I’LL even throw in 2 cues, one is brand new
this printer hp deskjet 3820
has all the cables and has ink cartridges still in it, with the original cd, my g/f’s dad told me just to take it and get rid of it, he bought a color laser printer… he said he paid 250 for it, hows 50 bucks obo

i have a wireless B router downstairs Siemens Speedstream SS2623 with printer server built in
and a wireless B notebook card… i believe its a us robotics USR 2410
theres 2 on ebay for 90 right now :bloated: 40 bucks…

would trade somebody for a shop vac, remote starter plus install (discount, but i think i already have somebody whos gonna do it) i might have some more shit i dont use laying around
the cables, charger, and the ipod… thats all i got for it i think i still have the original box too
Would you be willing to trade it for a craftsman 5 gallon shop vac. If so pm me and i will get you more specs.
what comes with it…? do you have all the hookups and does it work ???
yea i would if its not in disgusting condition
Has an extended cord wich is about 25 feet long has the a 4ft or longer hose and one extension. its a wet/dry vac has all the wheels. works excellent i use it all the time because i dont want to use my new one yet. It looks beat but everything is in great working condition. might look better if it was cleaned. the outside of it is pretty dirty. and will need a filter i never use the filters.
I lied its a 16 gallon. and i cant find how many ponys it is.
lol clean it up and post a pic… or post a pic of what it looked like new… who uses filters??? yea ill trade if it aint bad… just give some time to see if somebody offers some cash up… because i could buy a new one for 50 ya know??
I will clean it up and post a pic.
Does the ipod still work? how rough is rough =P haha and how bad is the abtt life in hours? Im pretty interested in the ipod\mp3 player
It actually looks better now that its clean. but i didnt have no where to take the pic except for on my back pourch and as soon as i got ready to take some pics it started to rain heavy.
yea ill trade you, wanna meet me somehwere… give me a call… pmed…
I actually have a couch forsale today… its posted on UBRF, its green, blue kinda plad like… BO on the couch i have to get rid of it… winter is coming and i want it out of the house
IPOD is gone… thanks showoff… i might clean out the attic/ basement so ill host more shit… i got a LOT of D-series parts… lmao J/k (there are no d-series anything for sale from me)